With the launch of today's ExaScience Lab in Leuven (Belgium) Intel’s European research network called Intel Labs Europe now consists of 21 labs. The three latest labs that became members of Intel Labs Europe are the following:
- Exascale Computing Research Center, Paris (France) – December 2009
- ExaCluster Laboratory, Juelich (Germany) – May 2010
- ExaScience Lab, Leuven (Belgium) – today
The new labs are chartered with the goal of finding knowledge that could turn exascale supercomputers into reality. At present the three labs account for about 50 R&D professionals out of more than 900 for the whole of Intel Labs Europe. The combined exascale research team of the new labs in Paris, Juelich and Leuven is expected to more than double over time.
You can find the press release accompanying today’s ExaScience Lab opening here:
If you would like to read about the first two exascale research centers please check out these links:
ExaCluster Laboratory in Juelich:
Exascale Computing Research Center in Paris:
I will also post more information and background on the combined high-performance computing story in the context of exascale over the coming days. Check back if you’re interested…