$ 0 0 Press Materials Supporting Intel Future Showcase 2014May 14, 15, 16, 19 & 20, 2014 - London, Hamburg, Paris, Milan, Madridback to topEVENT BACKGROUND DOCUMENTIntel Future Showcase Backgrounder (PDF)back to topDEMO SECTION: TODAY2 in 1 Devices (PDF) Tablets with Intel Inside (PDF)Smartphones with Intel Inside (PDF)Portable All-In-One System (PDF)Intel Education 2 in 1 Reference Design (PDF)Basis Health Tracker (PDF)Intel Identity Protection Technology (PDF)McAfee Mobile Security (PDF)Technology @ Sea (PDF)Intel Galileo Maker Board (PDF)Controlling Intel Galileo in the Cloud (PDF)back to topDEMO SECTION: TOMROROWWireless Charging Bowl (PDF)Intel Edison Microcomputer (PDF)Intel MAKE IT WEARABLE (PDF)Floating Display (PDF)Gesture Viewer 2014 / Face Tracker 2014 (PDF)Integrated 3D Depth Camera (PDF) Augmented Reality Juggler (PDF)Save the Hoplites (PDF)Kagura Music and Sound Player (PDF) back to topDEMO SECTION: FUTUREPersonal Vehicle Experience (PDF)Solar Charging Devices (PDF)Secure My Connect Car (PDF)Jimmy the Robot (PDF)